Community Footlight Players of La Grange Park Present:
Directed by: Spencer Douglas Clark
Musical Direction: Cole Burdick
Choreography: Michele Ritacco
Ages: 8-18 years old
Starmites Lite Cast List.pdf
Rehearsals will be held at the Community Park District Recreation Center and are typically held on Saturdays from 12-3 pm and Sundays from 12-3 pm
should be stated on the rehearsal form filled out at the time of audition. All undocumented conflicts will be counted as
an absence. Cast members are allowed ONLY
2 unexcused absences.
Tech Week: June 16th – June 19th Tech week is MANDATORY.
Performance Dates:
Friday, June 20th 7:00
pm, Saturday, June 21st at 2:00
pm and 7:00 pm, Sunday, June 22nd at 2:00 pm.
Performances will be located at Park Junior High School, La Grange Park.
Did you like the show? You can support the Footlight Players of La Grange Park by clicking here and leaving a tip in our tip jar!